路由# 321076470

什么是预算 以及如何制造一个?

2019年10月9日 5分钟

Do you ever wonder where your money goes each month? 你是不是觉得自己永远都无法出人头地? 如果是这样的话, you may want to 做预算 to help you keep track of how you spend your money and help you reach your financial goals.

a是什么? 预算?

一个预算, 或者你想取个更积极的名字, 支出计划, is a tool to help you take charge of your spending on a daily, 每周, 按月计算. It's the process of identifying your current monthly income and expenses, your spending habits and aligning them with your financial goals. 一个预算 is a way to keep money from slipping away unnoticed, allowing you to take charge of decisions such as what to buy, 什么时候买, 为什么.

一个预算 allows you to take charge of decisions such as what to buy, 什么时候买, 为什么."

如何 做预算

  1. 检查你的财务目标.
    Before you establish a 预算, you should examine your financial goals. Start by making a list of your short-term goals (e.g.例如,新车,假期)和你的长期目标(例如.g.(你孩子的大学教育、退休). Next, ask yourself: How important is it for me to achieve this goal? 我需要存多少钱? 对你的目标有一个清晰的认识, you can work toward establishing a 预算 that can help you reach them.

  2. Identify your current monthly income and expenses.
    To develop a 预算 that is appropriate for your lifestyle, you'll need to identify your current monthly income and expenses. You can jot the information down with a pen and paper, 使用工作表, or you can use one of the many software programs available that are designed specifically for this purpose.

    • 首先把你所有的收入加起来. 除了你的正常工资之外, 一定要包括其他类型的收入, 比如分红, 感兴趣, 还有孩子的抚养费.
    • 接下来,把你所有的开支加起来. To see where you have a choice in your spending, it helps to divide them into two categories:
      • 固定的费用 (e.g.(住房、食物、衣服、交通)和
      • 可自由支配的开支 (e.g.,娱乐,假期,爱好). You'll also want to make sure that you have identified any out-of-pattern expenses, 比如节日礼物, 汽车保养, 回家修理, 等等.......

      To make sure that you're not forgetting anything, 检查一下已兑现的支票可能会有帮助, 信用卡账单, 还有去年的其他收据. Finally, as you list your expenses, it is important to remember your financial goals. Whenever possible, treat your goals as expenses and contribute toward them regularly.

  3. 评估你的预算.
    Once you've added up all of your income and expenses, compare the two totals. To get ahead, you should be spending less than you earn. 如果是这样的话, 你的方向是对的, and you need to look at how well you use your extra income.

    If you find yourself spending more than you earn, you'll need to make some adjustments. Look at your expenses closely and cut down on your discretionary spending. 如果你已经选择了财务目标, such as paying off credit card balances or saving for retirement, do the math on how to adjust your spending to fund the goal.

    And remember, if you do find yourself coming up short, don't worry! All it will take is some determination and a little self-discipline, 你最终会做对的.

  4. 监控预算.
    You'll need to monitor your 预算 periodically and make changes when necessary. But keep in mind that you don't have to keep track of every penny that you spend. In fact, the less record keeping you have to do, the easier it will be to stick to your 预算. 最重要的是,要灵活. 任何过于严格的预算都可能失败. 所以要为意外做好准备.g.漏水的屋顶,失灵的汽车传动装置).

你怎么样? 削减成本 如果你花费太多?

If you are spending too much, there are several ways to cut back. One approach is to work on changing your spending habits. Suppose you are spending too much money on particular items (such as clothing) or spending more money at certain times of the month (near payday). By being aware of those habits, you can make appropriate changes. You may also try shopping smarter and reducing restaurant and/or entertainment expenses. Another option is to downsize to a less expensive car or home to reduce spending.

You may also reduce spending by reducing the cost of your debt. 一种方法是 合并或再融资高息贷款. As mentioned, you shouldn’t be too hard on yourself, but make a few changes. In time, you may be able to bring your spending under control.

你怎么样? 增加收入?

To stay on 预算, you must always have enough money coming in. There are a number of ways to 增加收入 if you need to. You might ask for a raise, take a higher-paying job, take a second job (也许是家里来的),或者把爱好变成生意. You can also see if you have any household items or asset you’d like to sell.

帮助你的小贴士 保持正轨 根据你的预算

  • Involve the entire family: Agree on a 预算 up front, meet regularly to check your progress and adjust/make changes as needed
  • Get in the habit of saving: Try to make 预算ing a part of your daily routine
  • Stay disciplined but don't be too hard on yourself or you may become frustrated and abandon the whole effort
  • Start your new 预算 at a time when it will be easy to follow and stick with the plan (e.g., the beginning of the year, as opposed to right before the holidays)
  • 找到一个适合你需要的预算系统.g.、预算软件、工作表)
  • 区分“需要”的费用(例如.g., designer shoes) and expenses that are "needs" (e.g.杂货)
  • 在你的预算中加入奖励.g.(每隔一周出去吃一次)
  • Avoid using credit cards to pay for everyday expenses: It may seem like you're spending less, but your credit card debt will continue to increase


Source: Broadridge Financial Solutions, accessed June 14, 2019.

